Co-creation to help reduce users complaints
Bukalapak, a major marketplace, frequently received customer service requests, particularly for order cancellations. This project aimed to decrease these contacts, resulting in a 7% reduction from buyers and a 50% reduction from sellers regarding the issue.
The data and confidential information in this case study has been altered to comply with non-disclosure agreement. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Bukalapak.
My role
Facilitated workshop for whole squad to define our intentions or goal, and conduct ideation for design solutions.
Designed the solutions
the team
1 designer
1 researcher
2 product managers
1 content strategist
2 Weeks
The challenge
One day the Product Manager came to me with a problem and he asked us on design team to find solutions. The problem was spiking numbers of CS Contacts.
By the end of 2019 the customer contacts regarding order cancelation. Based on our data, we found out that there were:
Customer Service Request
Regarding order cancelation
Buyer cancelation
Happened within 5 minutes after purchase
Canceled order
From seller and buyer
Seller cancel after confirm the orders
The question is:
How could we reduce numbers of users contacting customer service regarding order cancelation?
Contact CS regarding seller cancelation decreased
Contact CS regarding buyer cancelation decreased
Decreased numbers on abandoned orders
The structured design process was implemented for the first time, commencing with a thorough understanding of the as-is scenario and identifying potential problems. This involved defining problem statements and crafting an intent statement.
The comprehensive methodology employed in this project assisted all team members in making informed decisions regarding project scope, the research process, design solutions, and overall project ownership.
Problem breakdowns
Problems that lead to customer service contact
We collected our research from desk research from previous researches, Heuristic Evaluation on our own system, survey to our users, data analysis and found out problems that lead to customer service contact:
Cancellation from buyer needed seller approval
When the buyer requested a cancellation, the order wouldn't be canceled until the seller accepted the request. Meanwhile, the seller did not respond at all.
Buyers tended to cancel orders within 5 minutes after the purchase was made
It had been a hassle if they had to wait for the seller’s responses, thus customer service came to the rescue
Sellers could not cancel orders after they had confirmed them.
This could have led to the seller contacting our customer service to handle the cancellation for them.
Sellers wanted to avoid punishment by contacting customer service.
Cancelling the order by themselves would have gotten them punished with negative feedbacks.
Customer service was so much faster than waiting for seller/buyer’s response
This situation might create an illusion, as the cancellation of an order still requires approval from both the seller and the buyer.
As is Scenario
Problem Rundowns
Intent Statement
We asked the participants to brainstorm what they think of what the users think about.
What is our user doing, thinking, and feeling throughout their experience?
The purpose is for the participants to understand of the user workflow and find the problem to solve
design Result
The intent statement we came out with was following the formula: who + what + wow
Seller aware of transaction cancelation request so no cancelation request on the system left unchecked
Add “Tolak Pesanan” Button
A feature or button to reject orders for orders that had already confirmed by sellers to address ~31% of sellers who requested CS assistance to cancel their orders after accepting them.
Seller center dashboard
Mobile app
Add Respon Pembatalan tab on Seller Center and filter on Apps
This tab is meant to consolidate all order cancelation requests by buyers, making our sellers more aware.
'Respon Pembatalan' literally translates to 'Respond to Cancelation'
Other intent statement we need to tackle as well: (who + what + wow)
Buyer can fully utilize cancellation feature without going to BukaBantuan (customer service)
Buyer facing
Seller facing
Add "Auto-cancelation" feature for buyer
When buyer wanted to cancel their order within 15 minutes after payment was made, the cancelation didn't have to wait for sellers' response. Meanwhile, for cancelation after 15 minutes will notify the sellers via chat.
Elaborated cancelation request reasons
Enhanced the categorization of cancellation request reasons, transitioning from an initial set of 5 reasons to a more tailored and fitting classification. This refinement was informed by insights gathered from reports, interviews, and surveys conducted with customer service contacts.